Relevance Score
- Category: Social Media
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Relevance Score
Category: Social Media KPI
Relevance Score is a prominent Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in social media advertising, specifically within the context of Facebook advertising campaigns. This metric provides an estimate of how well your target audience is reacting to your ad.
Facebook assigns a Relevance Score based on the positive and negative feedback an ad is expected to receive. The score ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 indicating the highest relevance. A high Relevance Score suggests that your ad is more likely to resonate with your target audience compared to other ads targeting the same audience.
While Facebook does not provide a specific mathematical formula for calculating the Relevance Score, it is based on various factors like:
- The ad's expected performance
- The ad's historical performance
- The performance of previous ads (if any)
It's important to note that the Relevance Score is a dynamic metric and changes as people start interacting with the ad.
Relevance Score = Positive interactions (Clicks, Likes, Shares, etc.) - Negative interactions (Hide ad, Report ad, etc.)
A higher Relevance Score can lead to lower costs and more effective ad delivery, making it a vital KPI for monitoring the performance and effectiveness of your Facebook advertising campaigns.