Social Share of Voice

Social Share of Voice

  • Category: Social Media

Social Share of Voice: A Crucial Social Media KPI

In the crowded domain of social media, one critical Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to gauge your brand's visibility and influence is "Social Share of Voice."

Understanding Social Share of Voice

"Social Share of Voice" measures the percentage of mentions your brand receives on social media platforms compared to your competitors. This KPI provides insight into your brand's relative popularity and visibility within the overall industry conversation on social media.

By tracking Social Share of Voice, you can understand how well your brand is performing in gaining attention and sparking conversation in comparison to your competitors. It can help you identify gaps in the market and strategize to increase your brand's influence.

Calculating Social Share of Voice

Social Share of Voice can be calculated by comparing your brand's mentions to total mentions within your industry. The basic formula for calculating Social Share of Voice is as follows:

Social Share of Voice = (Number of brand mentions / Total number of industry mentions) * 100%

Bear in mind that Social Share of Voice measures quantity of conversation, not quality. Thus, while a high Social Share of Voice means your brand is dominating the conversation, it doesn't necessarily indicate positive sentiment. It's essential to analyze this KPI along with sentiment analysis to understand the overall perception of your brand on social media.

Visit to Social Share of Voice website

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