Revenue Churn

Revenue Churn

  • Category: SaaS

Revenue Churn: A Vital SaaS KPI

Revenue Churn, also known as MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Churn, is a key performance indicator (KPI) specific to the SaaS (Software as a Service) industry. It measures the loss of revenue due to customers downgrading, cancelling, or not renewing their subscriptions.

Understanding Revenue Churn

In the SaaS business model, customer retention is as important as customer acquisition because the revenue generation is spread over a period of time (usually a monthly or annual subscription). Therefore, understanding and minimizing Revenue Churn is critical to the sustainability and growth of a SaaS business.

Revenue Churn indicates the health of your customer base and the product. A high Revenue Churn rate might suggest customer dissatisfaction with your product or service, or that your business is not effectively managing customer relationships and renewals.

Calculating Revenue Churn

The formula of Revenue Churn is straightforward but insightful. It's expressed as a percentage and is generally calculated on a monthly or annual basis.

Revenue Churn Rate = (MRR at the beginning of the period - MRR at the end of the period) / MRR at the beginning of the period * 100

In this formula, MRR at the beginning of the period is the total monthly recurring revenue at the beginning of the measured period, and MRR at the end of the period is the total monthly recurring revenue at the end of the measured period, excluding any new revenue from newly acquired customers.

A positive Revenue Churn Rate means your business is losing revenue, whereas a negative Revenue Churn Rate indicates that your existing customer base is generating more revenue - this could be through upselling or cross-selling.

By continually tracking and striving to reduce your Revenue Churn rate, you optimize your customer retention strategy and increase overall revenue, leading to healthier, more sustainable growth for your SaaS business.

Visit to Revenue Churn website

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