- Category: Finance
Profits: A Vital Financial KPI
Within the scope of financial key performance indicators (KPIs), one of the most crucial and straightforward indicators to gauge a company's financial health is Profits.
Profits, also commonly referred to as net income or net profits, represent the amount of earnings remaining after all expenses and costs are deducted from a company's revenue. This KPI is a clear indicator of a company's financial success and its ability to generate more income than expenses over a specific period.
Profits are fundamental to both internal stakeholders and potential investors. For internal management, profits are an indicator of the success of their business strategies and operational efficiencies. For investors, profits serve as a gauge of the company's ability to generate returns on their investment.
Calculating Profits
Calculating profits is rather straightforward. It requires subtracting a company's total expenses from its total revenue, as outlined in the formula below:
Profits = Total Revenue - Total Expenses
Total Revenue is the total receipts from selling a firm's goods or services, while Total Expenses encompass all costs associated with producing, selling, managing, and other operations of a company.
It's important to note that while profits provide a key view of a company's financial success, they should not be solely relied upon for decision-making. Other financial factors such as cash flow, debt, and company assets should also be considered for a comprehensive view of a company's financial position.