Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer Service

Learn about the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), a fundamental Customer Service KPI, used to gauge customer satisfaction levels and improve service delivery.


Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score

Customer Service

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a key KPI that measures customer loyalty by categorizing customer responses into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and benchmark against competitors.


Customer Effort Score

Customer Effort Score

Customer Service

Explore Customer Effort Score (CES), a crucial CX KPI measuring the effort a customer exerts to interact with a company, aiding in enhancing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.


First Response Time

First Response Time

Customer Service

First Response Time (FRT), a crucial customer service KPI, measures the duration between customer contact and the support team's initial response, influencing customer satisfaction and efficiency.


Average Resolution Time

Average Resolution Time

Customer Service

Average Resolution Time (ART), a crucial customer service KPI, measures the average time taken to resolve customer issues, directly influencing customer satisfaction and service efficiency.


Customer Retention Rate

Customer Retention Rate

Customer Service

Customer Retention Rate (CRR), a significant customer service KPI, measures the percentage of customers a company retains, indicating the effectiveness of customer satisfaction strategies and value offered.




Customer Service

Promoters, a significant Net Promoter Score KPI, quantifies loyal customers likely to refer others, thus facilitating organic growth and enhancing brand reputation.




Customer Service

Passives, a key Net Promoter Score KPI, represent customers who are neutral towards a company's offerings, providing insight into potential improvements for converting them into promoters.




Customer Service

Detractors, a key Net Promoter Score KPI, represent unsatisfied customers who might harm a business's reputation, emphasizing the need to address their concerns to improve customer satisfaction.


NPS Score Ranges

NPS Score Ranges

Customer Service

NPS Score Ranges, a key customer service KPI, categorizes customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors, providing insights into customer loyalty, satisfaction, and potential brand impact.


Compliance Rate

Compliance Rate

Customer Service

Compliance Rate, a crucial customer service KPI, measures the extent employees adhere to company policies during customer interactions, impacting satisfaction and loyalty.


Call Center Compliance Rate

Call Center Compliance Rate

Customer Service

Call Center Compliance Rate, a vital Customer Service KPI, gauges the percentage of compliant interactions in a call center, affecting satisfaction and service quality.


Email Compliance Rate

Email Compliance Rate

Customer Service

Email Compliance Rate, a key Customer Service KPI, quantifies the percentage of compliant email interactions, influencing the consistency and quality of customer service.


Chat Compliance Rate

Chat Compliance Rate

Customer Service

Chat Compliance Rate, a critical Customer Service KPI, measures the proportion of compliant chat interactions, impacting the quality and consistency of customer chat service.


Response Time

Response Time

Customer Service

Response Time, a crucial Customer Service KPI, measures the duration for service representatives to respond to customer queries, significantly impacting satisfaction and service quality.


First Contact Resolution

First Contact Resolution

Customer Service

First Contact Resolution, a pivotal Customer Service KPI, measures the percentage of issues resolved during the first interaction, reflecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the service team.


Average Handling Time

Average Handling Time

Customer Service

Average Handling Time, an essential Customer Service KPI, measures the average duration of customer interactions, influencing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Contact Volume

Contact Volume

Customer Service

Contact Volume, a significant Customer Service KPI, tracks the total number of customer interactions, aiding in resource planning, workload estimation, and improving service quality.


Agent Utilization

Agent Utilization

Customer Service

Agent Utilization, a critical Customer Service KPI, measures the percentage of productive time agents spend on customer tasks, impacting workforce efficiency and service quality.


Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Service

Customer Satisfaction KPI, a crucial metric for success that aids businesses in understanding their performance to enhance customer retention and loyalty.


Response Rate

Response Rate

Customer Service

Response Rate KPI, a crucial metric in Customer Service, offering vital insights into an organization's efficiency and effectiveness in customer interaction.


Resolution Time

Resolution Time

Customer Service

Resolution Time KPI, a key metric in Customer Service, that quantifies efficiency by measuring time taken to fully resolve customer issues.


Retention Rate

Retention Rate

Customer Service

Retention Rate KPI, an essential Customer Service metric, assessing a business's effectiveness in preserving its customer base over time.


Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Service

Explore the significance of the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) metric, a pivotal Customer Service KPI that predicts the total value a business gains from a customer's entire relationship.


Monthly Churn Rate

Monthly Churn Rate

Customer Service

Dive into the Monthly Churn Rate, a crucial Customer Service KPI that reveals the percentage of customers a business loses in a given month, acting as a measure of service effectiveness.


Annual Churn Rate

Annual Churn Rate

Customer Service

Discover the Annual Churn Rate, an essential Customer Service KPI that quantifies the percentage of customers a business loses annually, serving as an indicator of service quality.


Average Response Time

Average Response Time

Customer Service

Explore the Average Response Time, a key Customer Service KPI that measures the speed at which customer queries are responded to, signifying the efficiency of the service team.


Customer Complaints

Customer Complaints

Customer Service

Uncover the KPI of Customer Complaints, a vital metric in Customer Service which denotes the count of customer complaints, providing insights into service quality and customer satisfaction.


Call Abandonment Rate

Call Abandonment Rate

Customer Service

Inspect the Call Abandonment Rate, a critical Customer Service KPI that measures the percentage of unanswered inbound calls, offering insights into service efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

Customer Service

Grasp the significance of the Service Level Agreement (SLA), a vital Customer Service KPI, representing the service provider's commitment to quality, directly impacting customer satisfaction.


Escalation Rate

Escalation Rate

Customer Service

Dive into the Escalation Rate, a crucial Customer Service KPI that measures the percentage of service cases requiring escalation, shedding light on team efficiency and areas for enhancement.


Average Speed of Answer

Average Speed of Answer

Customer Service

Understand the Average Speed of Answer (ASA), a key Customer Service KPI revealing the average response time of service agents, indicating their efficiency and impacting customer satisfaction.


First Call Resolution

First Call Resolution

Customer Service

Dive into the First Call Resolution (FCR), a critical Customer Service KPI reflecting the proportion of issues resolved in the initial interaction, denoting service efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Burn Rate

Burn Rate


Delve into Burn Rate, a key Finance KPI revealing the pace at which a company consumes its capital or resources, used to assess a company's sustainability and financial health.


Operating Margin

Operating Margin


Learn about Operating Margin, a vital Finance KPI highlighting the portion of a company's revenue left after covering variable production costs, serving as a measure of profitability and efficiency.





Focus on the Runway, an important Finance KPI that estimates how long a company can operate at its current burn rate before depleting cash, offering insights into financial sustainability.
