Customer Satisfaction Index

Customer Satisfaction Index

  • Category: Customer Service

Customer Satisfaction Index in Customer Service KPIs

The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is a crucial key performance indicator (KPI) within the Customer Service KPIs category. It quantifies the degree to which a company's products or services meet or exceed customer expectations.


In the context of customer service, the Customer Satisfaction Index is a measure of a customer's satisfaction with a company's products, services, or experiences. It is based on direct feedback from customers and is typically calculated from customer satisfaction surveys.

High CSI values indicate that customers are generally satisfied with the company's offerings and are likely to remain loyal and make repeat purchases. Low CSI values, conversely, may suggest that a company is failing to meet customer expectations and may need to improve its products, services, or customer interactions.

How to Calculate Customer Satisfaction Index

The Customer Satisfaction Index is calculated by averaging the responses to customer satisfaction survey questions that are typically scored on a scale. The result is then multiplied by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

The formula for the Customer Satisfaction Index is:

Customer Satisfaction Index (%) = (Sum of all customer satisfaction scores / Total number of responses) * 100

This formula provides a clear picture of overall customer satisfaction. However, it's important to analyze the CSI in the context of other customer service KPIs, like Customer Retention Rate or Net Promoter Score, for a more holistic view of your company's customer service performance.

In conclusion, the Customer Satisfaction Index is a key KPI in the realm of customer service. It offers valuable insights into customer sentiment, allowing a company to understand, track, and improve customer satisfaction over time.

Visit to Customer Satisfaction Index website

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